Our Mission
is to provide support, strength, and education for families coping with laryngomalacia, tracheomalacia, bronchomalacia, and pharyngomalacia.
Our Motto
Together we are stronger than stridor!
Meet Our Volunteers
Stephanie Hueston
Founder and Board President
Stephanie founded Coping With LM in 2010 shortly after her daughter had surgery (a supraglottoplasty) to help treat life-threatening laryngomalacia. For the last decade, Stephanie has volunteered her time, passion, and heart for the cause.
In 2017, Stephanie co-wrote the first-ever Malacia e-Book with Dr. Prasad Thottam D.O, FAAP, and Dr. Suzanne Forman, D.O.
Stephanie has also studied Nonprofit Management and Financial Management For Nonprofits at Brookdale Community College (NJ).
Christine Amaro
Board Member and Treasurer
Christine is a founding member of Coping With LM. Her creativity and dedication have helped mold Coping With LM into the worldwide organization it is today.
In addition to being on the board and treasurer, Christine spends her free time supporting families who are navigating the world of airway malacia and feeding tubes.
Tarah Barreras
Board Member and Program Assistant
Tarah joined the CWL Team in 2017 and since then has advocated, supported, impacted the lives of hundreds if not thousands.
In addition to conceiving Coping With LM's famous #SuperSinceSupra phrase and Trey The Tracheomalacia Tiger, Tarah also oversees the Chibebe Snuggle Pod Program for the US and Australia.
Committed To The Cause
Daniel Paden, Vice President
Edith Hueston, Board Member
25+ airway advocates who volunteer their time daily.