Thank you for your generous gift to Coping With Laryngomalacia.
Your tax-deductible donation directly supports the families we serve.
Please click the donate button below and enter your donation amount to donate securely through PayPal. If you would like Coping With LM to send you a thank you note please check the box to share your mailing address with us.

Donate For A Birthday
If you’d like to make a one-time donation in honor of a birthday please use the donate button above then print out our customizable donation certificate here.
Donate In Memory Of A Loved One
If you’d like to make a one-time donation in memory of a loved one please use the donate button above then print out our customizable donation certificate here.
Donate By Mail
All donations should be mailed to
Coping With LM
55 Leonardville Road
First Floor
Belford, NJ 07718 USA

More Ways To Help
Host a Facebook Fundraiser.
Sponsor a lovey from Little Loveys Making A Big Difference.
Donate O2 Kid Lids oxygen hats to our care packages.
Choose Coping With LM as your preferred charity when shopping with PayPal.
Donate Visa gift cards so airway families can buy gas and food while their child is in the hospital.
Every person has the chance to make a change for good — no matter how big or small. Whatever amount you can give, or time you are willing to dedicate, know that your contribution makes a difference in the lives of others.
Your donation, together with those of our other supporters, brings us ever closer to our goals.
Thank You!
What is the RARE Bear Program?RARE Science has initiated the RARE Bear program, a grassroots community-driven outreach for kids with rare disease. Community volunteers create one-of-a-kind teddy bears for one-of-a-kind “rare” kids.
When did RARE Science and Coping With LM partner?RARE Science, Inc. and Coping With Laryngomalacia, Inc. partnered in October of 2019.
How much does a RARE Bear cost?RARE Science gives RARE Bears at no cost to approved children. As a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization, every dollar makes a difference and family and friends may donate $5 to cover shipping costs.
Is the RARE Bear Program available worldwide?Yes, the RARE Bear Program is available worldwide.
Who is eligible for a RARE Bear?Coping With LM's RARE Bear Program is open to children with laryngomalacia, tracheomalacia, bronchomalacia, and pharyngomalacia.
What if my child already received a care package?Children who have already benefited from Coping With LM's Breathe Easy Care Package Program, Chibebe Snuggle Pod Program, and Project Pajamas may benefit from the RARE Bear Program.
How will I know if my child was approved for a RARE Bear?RARE Science goes through applications once per month from January through November.RARE Science does not contact families individually regarding the status of their application.
When does RARE Science send out RARE Bears?RARE Science ships RARE Bears once per month from January through November.
Does Coping With LM approve the applications?No, RARE Science handles all the applications and RARE Bear shipments.
How do I apply my child for a RARE Bear?Caregivers may apply their airway warrior for a RARE Bear here. Members of Caregiver Support on Facebook may apply by clicking the pinned post or searching RARE Bear in the group.
How will my child's RARE Bear be shipped?RARE Science ships bears in polymailer/padded envelope via USPS.
How can I contact RARE Science?You can contact RARE Science directly here.
Gift Acceptance Policy
Coping With Laryngomalacia, Inc. reserves the right to refuse any gift that it deems too restrictive in purpose, or not in the organization’s best interest. The acceptance of a questionable gift or any decision to fulfill a questionable request from a donor will be brought in front of the board of directors.
The following gifts will not be accepted by Coping With Laryngomalacia:
Any gifts that violate federal, state, or local law, statute, or ordinance.
Any gifts that are made with conditions that state the proceeds will be spent by Coping With Laryngomalacia for the personal benefit of a named individual.
Any gifts that could expose Coping With Laryngomalacia to liability.
Smart baby monitors (including Owlet and Snuza), preemie-sized items, expired or used personal care items, faith-based items, and items that smell of smoke or contain excessive pet hair will not be accepted.