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Make A Blessing Bag

Being a caregiver is hard work!

Help us bring a smile to each caregiver's face. 

No liquids, aerosols, tree-nut products, clothing,  feminine products, or used/expired items, please.


Make A No-Sew Hat

Hospitals can be very cold, help keep an airway warrior warm by making a hat.

Suggested pattern.


Make A Blanket

CWL Founder Stephanie Hueston says it best, "We want the children we serve to be wrapped in love and support."

Blankets must be made with new materials and should not be washed.

Knit, sewn, crochet, quilt, no-sew fleece blankets are accepted.

She's always with us. 💙.jpg

Host A Book Collection Drive

Bedtime in the hospital can be very challenging and upsetting for young children. By giving a book you are helping that child have some normalcy and comfort.

New books are preferred.

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Host A Toy Collection Drive

Our care packages are always in great need of infant/toddler toys like rattles, teethers, loveys, coloring books, small craft sets, playdoh, and puzzles.

New toys only, please.

In honor of #pintsizedpowerhouse Vincent

Host A Gift Card Collection Drive

Visa gift cards are included in our USA care packages for caregivers to purchase gas and/or food while their child is in the hospital. This generous gift has brought relief to many.

Any amount is accepted.


55 Leonardville Road

First Floor

Belford, New Jersey 07718

© Coping With Laryngomalacia, Inc. 2010-2025. All rights reserved.

Coping With Laryngomalcia is a Bronze Participant for Guide Star
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